Serving Stark, Wayne, Tuscarawas, Holmes, Harrison, Carroll & Coshocton Counties
Before you start your Background Check please carefully read the following:
Be sure that you select Greater Canton under CEF Chapter section.
Be sure if you are a NEW volunteer to please select “INITIAL CPP.”
Minors can complete this background check
You will need your personal information, social security number, along with 4 references
complete with name, address, phone, and email. These elements of name, address, phone, and email are required.-
First Reference: (Pastor or Church Leader)
Second Reference: (Previous Employer)
Third Reference: (Personal – Not a Relative)
Fourth Reference: (General)
Estimated 15 minutes to complete.
A background check costs $15 per person but is covered by Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Canton.
After you have submitted your background check, you are good to go for service, unless you receive a call from us for further clarification. Welcome to the CEF Family!